The 1st Review Assistant for Hotels
Keep track of all reviews that need a response, and save time using our AI-generated hints. Install it to see how it works!

Keep track of all reviews that need a response, and save time using our AI-generated hints. Install it to see how it works!
The Clickhint Recipe
How does it work?
Make it Personal
You can use our machine learning algorithms and generate unique replies based on what reviewers are writing.
Speak their Language
Clickhint can identify your guests chosen language and generate responses in that language, exactly as if you were a native speaker.
Keep your Brand Voice
Clickhint is designed for enterprises both large and small. If you want to keep a consistent tone of voice Clickhint can be trained to do this for you.
Manage your time
Organise Your Responses
Let us help you keep track of how many reviews you haven’t responded to across all channels.
Remove the need to constantly check your reviews on multiple platforms, and save yourself time and money.


Clickhint Assists You Everywhere
Supports OTAs, Metasearch, and Social Media Reviews
ClickHint supports all major OTAs, Metasearch and Social Media platforms. It accompanies you everywhere, and allows you to quickly respond to any review from TripAdvisor, Booking, Expedia and more!

Stay Consistent
Offers Group Level Access
If you manage more than one property, you can use ClickHint to respond to reviews from all your properties. Easily switch and see how many reviews need a response for each property. And don’t worry, ClickHint will automatically pick up the right settings for your hotels whenever you use it.